Kelme Puma is a mixture of POWER and CONTROL:
1.Starting with the special mold made for the SET brand after several years of research.
2.Because of its carbon layer of 200 grams in 3K that gives a medium hardness to the blade with a very good touch.
3.And ending with the Compressed Eva rubber that gives the blade that mixture of power but with control.
In-game features: defense easy to handle because you have a lot of tact and control the ball and
2.In attack it is spectacular because it is easy to squeeze the ball or make snakes, thanks to the rough 3D effect.
Type of players: Kelme Puma is indicated for players of medium-high and professional level, where they like long points and when you have to squeeze the ball they make a winning point. For players who like control, this racket is very well balanced so with a good wrist it is very controllable where to put the ball.